Hi, I'm Victoria.


I incorporate astrological guidance with yogic wisdom to help people ground in their bodies and find more inspiration, grace, and motivation in their lives.


Through my work I enable people to explore and deepen their yoga practice through the process of becoming more aware of their energy, breath, body, and mind.


I empower people to recognize and interact with the synchronicity and magic in their lives. The knowledge and application of astrology brings this all to light.

Hi, I'm Victoria.


I incorporate astrological guidance with yogic wisdom to help people ground in their bodies and find more inspiration, grace, and motivation in their lives.


Through my work I enable people to explore and deepen their yoga practice through the process of becoming more aware of their energy, breath, body, and mind.


I empower people to recognize and interact with the synchronicity and magic in their lives. The knowledge and application of astrology brings this all to light.
Victoria Czarniecki sitting on a yoga mat positioning a yoga bolster.
My story may be one that sounds familiar. I lived a high stress life for a long time. Constantly working to prove myself.


Doctors telling me I needed to relax but never giving me any guidance on how to do that. Physical issues began: high blood pressure, teeth grinding, jaw clenching, digestion. Peaking with an autoimmune diagnosis.


I used to think there was something wrong with me. And then. I didn’t. This transformation felt like it happened overnight. But it actually took time.


I had to unlearn many outlooks that I had thought to be truth. In their place, reframing my experience and learning how to support myself and my nervous system. New tools, new experiences, new views. I had to be open.
Astrology was my gateway to acceptance and true excitement about my life. No more constant questioning and criticizing. No more comparison to the “normal” mold.  I could fully trust in my own self and path. Beautiful synchronicities began to make themselves visible.


I want this for you. I want this for everyone. 


I believe that yoga and astrology practices are impactful. They enable opportunities for eye-opening, life-changing and thought-provoking experiences. They are what enabled me to whittle down my high stress existence and see beauty and support on my path through life.


My hope is you’ll let them in. Experiment. Get to know yourself so you can show up in your life more centered, empowered, and gracious.
Victoria Czarniecki sitting on a yoga mat with her hands resting on a bolster, smiling at the camera.
*200-hour certified yoga teacher, trained with Brett Larkin.
*Certified Kundalini yoga teacher, trained with Guru Singh. 
*Budding astrologer. I have completed in-depth study of Evolutionary Astrology with Sabrina Monarch and additional study of Medical Astrology.

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